What Should You Do if You See a Tractor Trailer Overturn?

Any type of vehicle accident can be traumatic, and this is especially true for a truck or tractor trailer accident. With such large pieces of machinery involved, truck accidents tend to be more serious and cause more damage or injury. These intense situations are hard to process, and you may try to forget the entire thing ever happened. However, if you see a tractor trailer overturn, there are several steps you should take – both in the moment and afterwards – to help ensure the victims’ safety and help them receive compensation.

How dangerous are truck accidents? 

When it comes to truck accidents, research shows that they are often more dangerous than standard car accidents. According to the National Safety Council, tractor trailers and other large trucks only make up 9% of the vehicles on the road. However, it is more likely that a truck accident will result in a fatality, and in most cases it is the person in a smaller vehicle. For example, a tractor trailer operator colliding with a passenger sedan is less likely to be injured or killed than the driver of the sedan. This is due to the huge difference in size and weight.

What to Do if You See a Truck Accident 

If you happen to be on or by the road when a truck accident occurs, your biggest priority should always be safety. If you are in your car, it’s recommended that you pull over out of the flow of traffic. However, you should only pull over if it is safe to do so and there is a safe location where you can pull over. Once you have safely pulled over, call 911 right away and report everything that happened to the operator. If you see a victim of the accident, it’s essential to not move them unless they are in danger where they are. The 911 operator may ask you to administer first aid, but you should only do this if they specifically tell you to do so.

Inform Law Enforcement of the Situation

Remain on the scene of the accident until the police and first responders arrive. They will ask you to make a witness statement, in which you will be able to provide important details surrounding the accident. Any eyewitness testimony you’re able to offer to the police could help build a case for the victims of the accident and establish who was at fault. You may be required to provide more information in the days to come if the involved officers need more clarification.

Contact Barnett’s Towing Today for Heavy Duty Towing

If you have been involved in a tractor trailer accident or you were a witness to one, it’s important to rely on the right towing company that can remove the vehicle in question safely. Barnett’s Towing is the Tucson area’s top provider of both light-duty and heavy-duty towing services, and we have the necessary equipment to transport tractor trailers and other oversize vehicles. Contact us today to learn more about our towing services.