Essential Items for Your Emergency Car Kit

Getting stranded is never part of the plan, but it does happen sometimes. In these cases it pays off to be prepared with an emergency car kit that can hold you over until a towing company can come and help you out. Read on for a quick look at the essential items you should have in your emergency car kit.

Cell Phone

Most people carry cell phones these days, and modern devices come with all sorts of features. Your cell phone might even double as a radio or a flashlight. If you have been using your cell phone all day, however, it might not have enough battery to last while you are stuck on the side of the road. This is why it is helpful to have another cell phone in your emergency car kit. Even if it is just a pay-as-you-go type of cell phone, it can help in a pinch.

Attention Grabbers

In certain cases you may need to attract the attention of passersby who might be able to help. If you get lost in a dark or heavily wooded area, this can be a difficult task. Be sure to pack your emergency car kit with signal flares, reflective lights, and emergency triangles to communicate with nearby traffic. This is especially helpful if it is cold and you are unable to use your car’s heat; a passing car may keep you warm until your tow truck arrives.

Medical Supplies

If you are stranded because of an accident or collision of some sort, someone involved may require medical attention. This is why it is important to have plenty of first aid supplies in your emergency car kit. Gauze, antibiotic ointments, and bandages can help until emergency services or a tow truck arrive.

If you find yourself stranded, use the cell phone in your emergency car kit to call Barnett’s Towing LLC at 1-800-722-2302. We are an Arizona towing company that is happy to pick you up and help you solve your emergency situation. Feel free to visit our website,, if you would like more information about our towing services.

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