Why Drivers Should Be Cautious During Arizona’s Winters

The winter season is now in full force, and drivers around the country are gearing up for hazardous road conditions. As a resident of the state of Arizona, you may not be accustomed to driving on snowy, icy, or slippery roads. However, if you do not prepare yourself for extreme road conditions this winter, you may find yourself calling a towing company for assistance. Here is a look at why drivers should be cautious during Arizona’s winters.

Arizona experiences extreme weather conditions.

While Arizona is known for its dry deserts and extreme heat, our state also contains areas of high elevation that receive snow and ice during the winter months. When you are preparing for a winter road trip in Arizona, you will want to make sure that your car is equipped to handle winter driving. If you encounter snowy or icy roads, careful preparation will help you avoid an accident.

Winter driving requires careful attention.

If you are accustomed to driving in Arizona, there is a good chance that you have not come across snowy or icy roadways on a regular basis. Drivers who are inexperienced at driving on slippery roads should be very careful when they encounter these conditions. Patience and caution behind the wheel will help you remain safe as you drive this winter.

Slowing down can save lives.

In the event that you do encounter an icy or snowy road in Arizona, the first action that you should take is to slow down. Reducing your speed of travel will increase the amount of time that you have to respond to changing conditions on the road ahead.

If you experience a collision this winter, Barnett’s Towing will be there to assist you. Our experienced tow truck drivers can respond to any type of driving emergency, and we will make sure that your car is towed to safety. For more information about the services that our Tucson towing company offers to Arizona drivers this winter, call us at (800) 722-2302.

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