Different Colors of Smoke from Your Tailpipe and What Each Means

Your car’s exhaust system can provide you with important information about the quality and condition of its internal systems. In the event that your exhaust suddenly changes color, you may have an automotive emergency on your hands. A towing company in Tucson can help you move your vehicle to safety after you begin to notice unusually colored smoke coming from your engine. Read on for an overview of some of the different colors of smoke that can come out of your tailpipe.

White Smoke

White smoke from your tailpipe may indicate a leak in your engine or cooling system. When coolant leaks out of your radiator and into your engine, it may create a bright, white smoke. You will be able to determine whether your white smoke is troublesome if it continues after you have given your engine plenty of time to warm up.

Blue Smoke

While blue smoke from your tailpipe may be a rare condition, any sign of blue or indigo smoke is an indication that you need to see your mechanic right away. Your tailpipe will burn with blue smoke if your engine has an oil leak. As oil is burned in the combustion chamber, it will emit a bright blue or indigo smoke.

Black Smoke

Very dark, black smoke coming out of your tailpipe may point to an air filter problem in your car. If you neglect to change your air filter for too long, you may find that your exhaust turns a darker shade of black than usual. Replacing your air filter will typically eliminate your black exhaust smoke.

For answers to your questions about the signs that your car needs to be towed, contact Barnett’s Towing. When you are in need of towing services in Tucson, we will be on the scene to provide you with immediate towing for your vehicle. Give us a call at (800) 722-2302 to learn more about why we are one of the most popular Tucson tow truck companies.

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